Are you discerning a call to the religious life?
If you are drawn to a life of service and are passionate about empowering the laity to preserve the Faith, especially among the spirituality abandoned – we invite you to come and discern with us.
Sientes el llamado a la vida religiosa?
Si te atrae la vida al servicio y eres apasionado a la perseverancia de la Fe, especialmente entre el abandono de la Espiritualidad, te invitamos a discernir con nosotros.
For more information of Vocation Ministries’
Para mas información acerca del Ministerio de Vocaciones
Rev. Allen Rodriguez, S.T. (240) 281-5854
Rev. Francisco Gómez, S.T. (760) 398-5577
Rev. Jésús Palomares, S.T. (760) 398-5577
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Twitter: Trinity Mission