A few thoughts,
There are a number of good positive signs coming our way that confirm his hope. The positivity rate is down today to about 13%. Quite a difference from the 40% we had been dealing with. Studies are being gathered to
answer the question, what is making this possible. Some of the answers feel right: We are finally getting it. Many, are finally accepting that this virus kills, and have begun to take the necessary precautions. Also, many are now getting the vaccine, and it works!
As you know, all of these indicators have given us the directives that will now allow us to have in-person celebrations. Beginning March 6th, we will begin to gather once again in person. This does not mean that virtual celebrations will cease. As far back as the ’60s, the Church has been insisting that we make use of technological advancements to promote evangelization. The past year has really opened wide the doors to many opportunities to reach the shut-in and other persons, especially young persons, who have been out in the margins.
This brings to mind how periods of transition, have three “gravitational pulls”. One pull is towards the past. This is so very normal, especially if the transition has not been of one’s choosing and brought on by a crisis. The tendency will be to long for the past, sometimes with fear that change will do away with what has been most valuable. This, of course is a temptation. The second “gravitational pull”, has to do with simply staying put. We have found a place of relative safety, and don’t want to move out. This too is a temptation. When it’s time to move, it’s time to move! This is the third “gravitational pull”, the pull that beckons us towards the future, where God waits for us. Joshua once said, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. The people of God had come to the threshold leading to the land of promise, they needed to take the next step. We stand at that threshold, with humility that allows gratitude, it is time to enter into a renewed relationship, a renewed covenant with our Lord. Notice how the things of God are always gentle. Never a deluge, always like a drop of dew. We are not going to just “jump in”, we will take it one step at a time. We need to reverence the many that have fallen, and the many sacrifices made. We need to make sure that testing and vaccination continue to be encouraged. Especially with the new mutations, this virus can sneak in and finding the house clean, create new havoc.
It has been a long journey, there is still a ways to go, but there is no doubt whatsoever, hope never dies!
Father Francisco Gómez, S.T