What calendar events stand out for you? Belonging to a large family there are birthdays to remember – not just the “old folks” – like siblings, but the “new ones” too, nephews and nieces and the new child recently born. And, of course, the anniversaries. Each event merits something more than a passing thought.
This past week, September 15 is now etched into our parish calendar. Over the years, there have been moments here and there, when the parish wanted to celebrate with devotion our feast of Our Lady. Our Lady of Soledad was dedicated on December 24, Christmas Eve, however, takes priority. And, when does the Church celebrate the devotion to Our Lady of Soledad? This devotion has had great significance throughout the world, but it is our diocese that has given us the official date. Our Diocese of San Bernardino placed the patron celebration of Our Lady of Soledad, Coachella on September 15. This year, with a simple beginning, we celebrated our patronal feast, it seems, for the first time. The event merits more than a passing thought.
At the heart of this devotion is Mary, the mother of Jesus, drawing us all in remembrance of her grief and abandonment. Her experience of being left all alone, in painful solitude, makes the words of Christ her own, my God, my God, why have you abandoned me? And all of us are drawn, to simply be present, to somehow let her know that we are the beloved disciples who
stand with her at the foot of the cross, we will care for her. In the swift movement of grace, Mary, Our Lady of Soledad becomes the consoler of all who have experienced or witnessed a broken body, a broken spirit, or a noonday sun that has been swallowed by darkness. With one hand touching her heart and another touching the wood of the cross, not much more needs to be said.
Upon this cross is born our salvaƟon. Brokenness healed, the true light of Christ forever burning bright against all darkness.
This insight was probably there from the very beginning, back in 1923. This is a holy mystery that remains to be uncovered in the memories and archives of many. The names of the founding mothers and fathers that were once depicted on a mural at the “First Church”, have become a blur. But the devotion to Our Lady of Soledad has never dimmed.
Even in the earliest New Testament texts, Mary stands for the woman, mother of Jesus. Mary also stands for the community of the beloved disciples, a community called Church. Our church is Our Lady of Soledad, a place of consolation, a place of courageous hope, and a place of mission. Mary, Our Lady of Soledad, continues to call us to the foot of the cross of Christ. This is the
place where Christ continues to be crucified, the place where Mary continues to be found. To this place, we are called to be consolers, in prayer, word, and most especially, indeed. By going to the foot of the cross, we as Church establish who we are, what we are about and the legacy we hope to transmit to the next generation.
In our parish and community, where is this cross to be found?
We are, by the grace of God, 99 years strong. What might Our Lord have in mind for our 100th celebration?
Father Francisco Gómez, S.T.