The 4th of July 2022, was a wonderful day of thanksgiving! How incredibly important to prop open a history text and search out the Founding Mothers and Fathers. From British colonies to a nation. The exercise of thankful celebration needs to begin with quiet contemplation, seƫng aside the fanfare for at least a moment; even seƫng aside the speeches and counter speeches and allowing the greatness of the event to sink in. What were all the elements of synchronicity that made it possible?
An entire patchwork of humanity, in all its goodness and imperfection, somehow was able to make it all possible. And so, it came to be, at long last expression was given to a longing for freedom and a new identity. It is explicit, that the founders did not dwell on having “purchased” an achievement with baƩle and sacrifice, and much less propose that all that needed to be done was done.
Identity cannot simply be a statement of fact, it must be a statement of deeds. There is an internal dynamism between what the country says it is and what it does, this is the tension and energy that allows movement into the future, beyond the foundational moment. Freedom and a sense of identity were not born fully grown on July 4th, 1776, or even with the signing of the constitution some 10 years later, September 17, 1787. We take note, that the Constitution of the United States is the world’s longest-surviving written charter of government. And yet, we are not yet fully grown.
The country is still a patchwork of humanity, of goodness and imperfection that continues to allow itself to move in the direction of freedom and a full claim of its identity – for all.
Not to be confused with some sort of manifest destiny or worse, a messianic stance. To move in the direction of freedom for all requires the humility that comes from wisdom and the strength that comes from unity.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag,
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One Nation, under God
Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.
Yes, let it be one nation – not a series of ideological fragments.
Yes, let it be one nation, under God – not a series of mini-idols, including nationalism.
Yes, with Liberty and Justice for All – not just those who have claims of entitlement, the dispossessed must be included.
If one is missing from the All, then it cannot be All.
Father Francisco Gómez, S.T.