A Pastoral Council shall be established in every parish.
The pastor presides over the Pastoral Council.
The Council is composed of parishioners as well as members of the parish staff.
The Pastoral Council assists in promoting pastoral action in the parish.
—Canon 536 #1
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative board of parishioners that strives to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among God’s people in the parish. This group articulates the mission and direction of the parish, helps set priorities, promotes the spiritual growth of the entire parish, and offers advice in long-term parish planning. All this is in the context of the vision of the diocese and the teaching of the universal church.
Members of the Pastoral Council:
Regina Heredia

Regina Heredia has been part of Our Lady of Soledad since her childhood. She also did her First Communion at Our Lady of Soledad, then, later on, got married to Deacon Fernando Heredia, and returned as a member about three years ago. She currently serves in Misión San José and has served as a Eucharistic minister, as a lector’s and RCIA Adult Coordinator. She enjoys reading, traveling, and reorganizing and minimizing life and her house. As a Parish Council member, she hopes to together dream and “renew” our parish as parishioners share ideas.
Rene Tinajero

Bio to follow
Brenda Cordova

Picture and bio to follow
Marty Sullivan

Deacon Marty Sullivan has been a member of Our Lady of Soledad since 2001. He currently serves as a Deacon in Our Lady of Soledad. He currently serves in the Fundraising Committee, as a Sacristan, the Building Committee, and as Co-Spiritual director at the Valley’s Missionary Program. During his free time, Deacon Marty enjoys gardening, practicing sports, and bike riding. As a Parish Council, he hopes to keep God’s call to us all alive in this vibrant parish. He also hopes to help our Parish to grow spiritually and have a continued presence in the community.
Mireya Cuevas

Bio and picture to follow
Alma Guadarrama

Alma Guadarrama has been a member of Our Lady of Soledad since 2003. She is currently part of Familias Unidas por Cristo church choir. In addition, she has been served in various church retreats including Pathfinder, Grupos Unidos Para Cristo (GUPC), and GUPC Teens. She enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. As a Parish Council member, she hopes to be of service and an instrument to support the needs of our faith community. She also hopes to support Our Lady of Soledad’s mission.
Maria de Jesus Lopez

Bio and picture to follow
Juliana Saldivar

Juliana Saldivar has been a member of Our Lady of Soledad for 26 years. She is currently a catechist and part of RICA. She has also been part of Escuela de Evangelización Juan Pablo II and as a catechist for parents of children in the first year of First Communion. She enjoys reading and taking walks. As a Parish Council, she hopes to listen and accompany our members of the Our Lady of Soledad community.
Doris Marquez

Doris Marquez has been a member of Our Lady of Soledad since 2003. She is currently part of Faith Formation, Escuela de Evangelización Juan Pablo II, Liturgy Committee, Advisory Board for the Office of Catechesis, and most recently Pastoral Council. She enjoys reading, listening to music, watching movies, taking nature walks, and spending time with family. As a Parish Council member, she hopes to bring unity among our parishioners, listen to our community needs, and be of service to others.
Juan de Lara

Bio and picture to follow
Manuel Martinez

Manuel M. Martinez has been a member of Our Lady of Soledad for 47 years. He is currently a member of the Knights of Columbus. As a Parish Council member, he hopes to assist Father Francisco to keep the spirit of Our Lady of Soledad growing.
Rosamarie Bustamante

Rosamarie Bustamante has been a member of Our Lady of Soledad since 2012. She is currently part of RICA and serves as the Coordinator, visiting of the sick, Coordinator of the English masses, and Liturgy Committee. She has also served as a catechist and in a choir. She enjoys playing and learning music, reading, and spending time with her kids. As a Parish Council member, she hopes to help our church grow in spirituality.