Alianza has funds to help a few families/individuals who live in the Coachella Valley and have been impacted by COVID-19 with rent, mortgage, or funeral expenses. You might know of families who could use these funds. Alianza is taking applications on a first-come-first-serve basis, and have room to serve between 60-80 individual. Send them a text to 474747 or call 760-972-4628 or 760-989-8272
Alzheimer’s Association
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities is scheduling appointments for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides utility payment assistance for gas or electricity bills.
COVID NEWS – 10 Things you can do to manage your COVID-19 symptoms at home
How to use Zoom for the first time (English & Spanish videos)
How to use on your cell phone
How to use on your computer (without downloading Zoom)
Desde El Celular
Desde El Computadora
Ignatian Solidarity Network

Ignatian Solidarity Network is an organization that works to network, educate, and form advocates for social justice animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and their companions.
Click here to learn more.
Importance of wearing a mask and wearing it properly
Please follow the YouTube link. It will visually demonstrate how the coronavirus travels from person to person. Notice how social distance becomes important and how the risk has increased as we spend more time indoors because of the cold weather. Notice too, how the risk is reduced (not eliminated) when the face mask is used and even more so when the mask is properly fitted. On an additional note, an easy way to tell if you have a good mask is simply to try to blow out a candle. If you are able to blow it out, it has failed the test.
Let us use extra care, please.
Inland Counties Legal Services

Jewish Family Services of the Desert

Monkeypox Vaccine Information
Click here for more information.
Riverside County Department of Public Social Services
Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health
Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health – Grupo de Apoyo al duelo
Inland Caregiver Resource Center ha trabajado diligentemente para satisfacer las necesidades de los cuidadores familiares. Es con gran expectativa que ICRC recibe esta nueva serie educativa y de apoyo.El Grupo de apoyo al duelo de ICRC es un grupo cerrado de seis semanas que apoyará a los afligidos en su viaje hacia una nueva norma y, al mismo tiempo, brindar apoyo durante el duelo. Este grupo se llevara a cabo virtualmente usando Zoom.
En las 6 semanas, obtendrá información sobre el duelo para comprenderlo, identificará habilidades de afrontamiento positivas, así como los problemas que han llevado a síntomas de depresión o ansiedad, y formas de implementar actividades para comenzar un nuevo viaje después de la pérdida.
Es necesario registrarse. El cupo es limitado.Un miembro del personal le enviará un correo electrónico para confirmar su registro. Facilitado por America Navejas, BASW. Si tiene preguntas sobre esta nueva serie o acerca de otrso servicios de Inland Caregiver Resource Center llame al (800) 675-6694 ext 131
TODEC’s mission is to empower disenfranchised immigrant communities to become economically, socially, educationally, and civically self-sufficient while enhancing individual self-esteem and community health. The overall purpose of TODEC is to ensure equitable access to information, immigration legal services, community education, advocacy, and civic engagement for limited and non-English speaking people including immigrants and migrant workers throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, and Imperial counties.
For more information on local resources, please visit