Our Lady of Soledad


Perhaps one of the “best-kept secrets” of the Church is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  It is “kept secret” because too often it is misunderstood and regarded as “a new name for catechetical instruction”.  The RCIA is based on the Gospel and early Church experience.  The Gospel point to the witness of the early disciples, they lived in such a distinct way that many were drawn to become like them, followers of Christ.  This involved then as it does now, the entire Church and ordinarily reaches its climax at the celebration of the Easter Vigil.  This is indeed a spiritual journey that invites the person to enter fully into the life of the Church as full and active members.  More so, as witnesses to a future generation of what it means to come to know and follow the Lord.

It is important to note that the Sacraments are not purchased, any fees associated with the celebration or sacraments are administrative in nature and related to good stewardship.  Please see below for registration information.


  • Birth certificate for children- adults 7-17 years
  • Family-focused two-year process:  Parents accompany their teens through their formation
  • Spiritual Retreat for Parents and Teens
  • Weekly Mass Attendance 
  • Missionary Project

Sponsor/Godparent Application

Note:  Please consider the following directives that are followed in the diocese of San Bernardino:

  • There need only one sponsor/Godparent
  • They must be older than 18 years of age.
  • They must be fully initiated into the Church.
  • They lead a life in keeping with the Church.

Need further information contact:

BILINGUAL RCIA CHILDREN (Children ages 7-17 who have NOT been baptized)


Below are the registration forms for Sacraments:

Registration is now closed for children ages 7-17 years old. 

If you have questions, please call or text: 760-609-4402

You can also email:  [email protected]  

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